VFP Wellbeing Experience

VFP Wellbeing Experience from Be Super, provides guidance and support for you to discover and live as the real you – especially for those who run a business or lead others.

We want you to Be Super, to be authentic, to experience freedom, joy & growth.

We provide access to our experiences through either:

  • A 12 month contract of unlimited and specific support in relation to any of our 9 cycles of experience.
  • Specific individual and team workshops (approx 90mins duration) – on specific topics within each of our 9 cycles of experience (these may be done whilst out walking or on an outdoor activity).

If you are reading this as a corporate or club owner, and seek to find out benefits for your organisation and your staff then you may prefer a more direct read (click here) – otherwise, for a more holistic and personal explanation – please continue reading – thank you.

The real authentic you lives in flow and all that you feel, think and do is natural to your essence.

If this sounds good, but for some, perhaps a little distant, uncomfortable or even confusing then please don’t stop engaging – read or listen a little more . . .

N.B. This is a 20 min read or listen and provides many links for further information – PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS UNTIL YOU HAVE READ OR LISTENED TO IT ALL – PLEASE FIND THE TIME – IT MEANS A LOT TO US – THANK YOU . . .

So, Hello – My name is Marcus Pearson (aka Mr. P or P Diddly Dacious)

Pearson Family

I am a co-founder of Be Super with my wife and best friend Sharon and youngest daughter Morgan.

We base our guidance and support on the insights and experiences we have shared.

We consider ourselves ‘work in progress’.

We know we will never finish our work, but, we also ‘know our pathway’, and know it  continually illuminates higher vibrations to enhance who we are. Ultimately, all that we become serves to better tune ourselves into higher vibrating beings, and through this development we may better support you to achieve the same for yourself. There is no point in tuning in to higher vibrations unless you experience integrating with them!

Inner freedom and joy has allowed us to grow:

Since we became focused on finding and living as our authentic selves, we have experienced higher frequencies. It takes a split second to recognise them, however, it often takes us days, weeks, months, and with some vibrations, years to fully integrate into our lives – and the lives of others. Sometimes when you are going in one direction (especially if you are on full throttle or intertwined with others), it takes time to slow down, change over to the new pathway, and then get going again. It takes even longer to increase momentum before it resonates with others.

Our awareness of self and of how to share moments and interact with others as a unit, especially our children, grandchildren, parents and our wider family and friends has changed (and we will continue to nurture it, with an intention underpinned by love).

The Purpose of Life

If you know us then this is a personal message:

You may know us as children, parents or grandparents or as a brother or sister, or as another family member. You will know how much we love you – and we also appreciate your love. What you don’t realise fully is how much we have changed. We now know ourselves (our inner true selves) in a clearer way. This new awareness has been growing and becoming clearer over the past few years and even months – in fact it will be ongoing . . .

You may know us as friends (life long or more recent). You will know how much we love life and how much we care about you and how much we value our interactions. If you have not interacted with us for a few years then we are totally different internally and in the way we behave.

You may know us from our working environment. We both support children, young people and family units – in a therapeutic and educational/pastoral manner. I also support adults in a more corporate professional basis with digital marketing, project management and with Wellbeing Experiences via Be Super Ltd. We deal with challenging behaviour, relationships, interactions and life skills on a full time professional basis. We nurture individuals, partners and teams gain greater self-awareness. We nurture self-purpose and a desire for learning, creativity, mutual, and altruistic endeavour. We nurture optimum health, fitness and wellbeing in ourselves and for others. We also nurture a more spiritual awareness (on a non-religious and non-political basis).

We are qualified practitioners:

We actively guide people every day and our practical wisdom flows.

Sharon is well qualified and runs workshop’s for emotional wellbeing and family support.

I am a qualified SSP therapist, and Spiritual Coach, and possess many and varied management, nutritional, blood analysis, sports coaching, sports leadership, mentoring, psychology, and childcare qualifications. I am a qualified instructor in Emotional coaching and also a biofeedback practitioner and qualified phlebotomist.

I run workshops and support individuals and teams on aspects of self-development and team interaction.

I have a Masters Degree in E-Commerce (which was taken for self-interest). I also study and apply practical insights to many new areas of interest including HRV, PEMF, EFT, EMDR, IFS as well as quantum physics. I apply various therapeutic, health and fitness approaches and academic learning intelligences within my full time work and socially. I learn from life and most of all, I try out all that I am interested in on myself and those I am in contact with. I have experimented with Keto and all variations of fasting and exercise for over 5 years, and I have also experienced not drinking alcohol on and off for the past few years. I have, as many of you will know, experienced a yo-yo from one experience to another. This has not all been due to weakness; it has been more a self-experiment to assess how much time is needed to fully tune in and live with higher vibrations. The bigger game is called Polarity Integration, and knowing this means learning how to accomodate or integrate opposites, rather than ignoring, not knowing, not experiencing or seeking to change or destroy.

Tuning in and taking action to become a master of polarity integration is crucial for future life:

Tuning in to higher vibrations requires constant review and to provide you with any satisfaction, it requires not only a willingness to change, it requires intention, action, and review.

Allowing yourself, and others, to be free, (emotionally, mentally and physically) creates a space for feelings and thoughts to be received and transmitted to and from your true inner self – rather than imposed from external influences (often as a result of some limiting factors).

Satisfaction from achieving freedom, joy and growth:

Making practical changes, so they become automatic, through what I call ‘SCP’s – Scheduled Cycles of Positivity; and SCS’s (Scheduled Cycles of Satisfaction), has been one of the most challenging and greatest learning experiences of my life (especially creating the opportunity for others) – more here.

You may know us from occasional contact. You may have heard about us and have seen us socially, or at work or perhaps at a sporting event or during our many physical activities or even at the gym or whilst we are at our caravan or travelling/adventuring.

However you know us, it is time to introduce you to an important moment – the NOW MOMENT!

We invite you to trial VFP Wellbeing Experience – and experience this for yourself:

Our purpose is to guide and support others to states and stages of flow, and to a state of being that we know to be better – to experience freedom, joy and self-growth. NINE years of testing each cyclical experience in detail has now brought us to the point of being ready to support others. We have created VFP Wellbeing Experience to guide and support you with this, furthermore, all further improvements will be provided to you as part of our ongoing interactive experience.

VFP is only provided on a personal basis with face-to-face-support.

VFP Wellbeing Package

The VFP Wellbeing Experience is for everyone at any age.

It is perfect for those who are ready to move on in life and become the greatest version of themselves.

VFP provides support for those suffering from truama and stress.

Trauma/chronic stress is a restriction/limitation of your capacity to respond in the present moment with your authentic self – at any age.

It is perfect for people at work. It helps you find purpose, energy and a desire to be your best.

We even have a modified version for children and young people.

Wellbeing Packages

Vibrational Frequency Programming (VFP) will retune your vibrations to frequencies that resonate wellbeing. We will guide and support you to have more energy and enthusiasm. You will become super fit, strong, and healthy and empowered with the insights to utilise your intelligence and creativity. We will nurture you to success and enhance any relationship within the home, distant family, at work or socially. The insights will support you towards an enviable work/life balance. You will discover a purpose for action in whatever cycle of life you are in. We will guide you to live in tune with your true loving self – and those you have contact with will benefit.

The VFP Wellbeing Experience is clarified in pdf format below. You may read it, save it, download and print it.

N.B. We are also offering short workshops to support specific experiences – more details below:

Further information:

For those who won’t read or listen about Wellbeing:

VFP is perfect for those who won’t read or listen to information for their wellbeing, or if they do, will probably not continue. They may not have the focus or level of self-awareness to perceive they can benefit from what is available. They may also find it difficult to listen, and certainly to perceive this information. Some people may perceive they don’t need it, and they may think they are in control, or life is almost perfect. People who are fearful of what they cover up, may be hiding some kind of pain. Pain often creates addiction or multiple addictions (we don’t specifically mean drugs).

An addiction is best defined as

any manifested behaviour(s) that provides you with some temporary pleasure or relief (from pain – or trauma and stress), but often results in some negative consequences. Addictions (including attachments) are very difficult to give up in the long term! (eg procrastination, acquiescence, alcohol, sugary foods, mobile use and the internet, work, money, intense physical training, shopping and certain relationships).

VFP will guide and support you to change addictions and attachments, so they become more what we refer to as ‘negative stressors of choice’. When you have achieved this, you will be capable of disengaging from them on a regular basis. However, you will have the clarity and strength to use them for hormesis 5% of the time. (Hormesis is a natural process when a little bit of what is bad for you in the short term can be very good for you in the long term).

If you want to support someone like this – then please consider how we may work together. VFP can be provided with a less direct approach. We have some super subtle approaches that work – approaches that avoid cognitive therapy!?

Cognitive skills and knowledge involve the ability to acquire factual information through discussion. This is often the kind of knowledge that is solution orientated and requires talking about problems and solutions to try and understand them. We experienced on a professional basis, that cognition should be dealt with differently from social, emotional, and creative development and ability. Cognitive science and therapy is a growing field of study that deals with human perception, thinking, and learning. Whilst it has benefits, VFP focuses more on Somatic experiences – those that impact on the body and through the sub-conscious. These approaches deal less with thinking and talking, and more with automatic physical actions and emotions via the PNS and SNS nervous system and muscle tension. Which for people who don’t perceive they need support means we don’t talk about solutions or problems. We just get on with something positive and evolve into more positive patterns of behaviour rather than talking about it.

Our positive outdoor activity challenges have been created with this in mind.

I hope this had made sense and is clear.

For those who are ready and eager to ‘take it to another level’:

For those who have accepted they may benefit from some support and are willing to change – VFP is for you – so let’s do it!

Furthermore, if you have personally reached a cycle in life where you feel positive (and perhaps don’t have any major negative aspects to clear) and you feel ready to MAXIMISE ALL THAT IS POSSIBLE then VFP is perfect for you:

A focus on health & fitness is part of our experience:

VFP Wellbeing Experience

Many people who are ready to ‘move on in life’ start with their body – they seek to improve their health and fitness. VFP has 9 experiences for you and one of them is a transformational health & fitness experience – it is called VFP#1 LiCrON / Regeneration.


For more details about our transformational Health & Fitness Package click here.


In addition to, and as part of our Wellbeing Experiences we provide a range of business support, outdoor activities, events, workshops and fundraising.

Thank you for reading this.

If you are ready to start on the pathway to Be super then –

Click here for details of our VFP BLUEPRINT  – this is our starting point together.


To find out more and ask any questions or arrange a meeting:

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