This is the fitness and strength training regime for Marcus Pearson – he was 60 in February 2022:
Exercise Regime for 2022:
The aim is to increase strength, flexibility and VO2 max.
- Every week day in the morning I undertake Cardio training followed by Wim Hoff style cold showers.
- Every 90mins I try to undertake 10 x 5 varied squats – 50 reps; alternated by 10 x 5 varied sets of press ups.
- Every week day after work and whilst fasted I undertake more Cardio and strength training or HIIT with another cold shower.
- Every Saturday, or as often as possible, I undertake an open water swim followed by an adventure hike, cycle or kayak.
- Every Sunday I rest and socialise.
I measure my HRV and test my VO2 max, and check my body fat and GKI every week. (I initially tested my GKI every day). The combined GKI and HRV test analysis underpin my WELLBEING ANALYSIS.
New start:
The real starting point for me was after I experienced the clarity of THE BIGGER PERSPECTIVE – as provided by my VFP BLUEPRINT REPORT & REVIEW. Without thus I would have continued in a Spital of nearly getting there – now I know, and that is a significant influencer in my life and in my behaviour. This impacts on all my fitness and fasting regimes – it it a must!
I UNDERTAKE ALL OF THE ABOVE EXERCISE IN A FASTED STATE. My fasting duration is based around my fasting regime, however, perhaps the most significant aspect is the effect fasting has on fitness training.
My Cardio Experience:
For 4 months I experienced cycling 18miles to work (Rochdale to Holmfirth) and back – in a fasted state – and I also did this during my 3 day and 7 day fasting periods without any issues.
My Strength Experience:
Whilst in a daily fasted state (fasted for approx 22 hours), I regularly completed strength training 3 or 4 times per week. I reduced my body fat whilst increasing my muscular strength and size. I felt it important to eat as soon as possible after my strength training session, and this provided the mtor growth window.
I drink at least 2 litres of water throughout the day, and seem to consume another litre during my actual strength training session – this seems to help me overcome fatigue.
On occasions when I wanted to further boost my size, I reduced my fasting to 18 hours and eat an hour or two before training, as well as after training. Sometines, I have 3aten twice after evening training with a 2 hour gap in between to maximise protein uptake. This tended to be a mixture of superfoods, protein and fat – hardly any carbs.
I always had a focus on my BIGGER PERSPECTIVE – as indicated from my VFP BLUEPRINT.
Click here for details of our VFP BLUEPRINT – this is our starting point together.
To find out more and ask any questions or arrange a meeting:
- 07931 326 164
- Connect with Marcus on LinkedIn
- Or simply enter your email address below to register as a FREE PROVISIONAL VFP Member – we will then be in contact.
Marcus and Sharon Pearson (and Morgan).
Marcus is focused on supporting others better interact with themselves and others.