Be Super Statement


ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), PDA (Pathalogical Demand Avoidance), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), are neurological and behavioural challenges that require different solutions to those specifically related to the challenges of emotional and mental challenging behaviour and SEMH (caused by Fear and Trauma). So, let us examine them further:

This post provides a summary (with more detailed links) to a range of practical experiences that stem from our multiple intelligent systems. These influence the severity of the ASD and neurological challenges.


Human IS (Intelligent Systems) or to be more precise, human IE (Informational Energy), has a variety of linked parts that together provide us with greater perspective and FREEDOM:

Human intelligence comes from multiple parts – and not just from our brain.

Someone with ASD may be using a specific part of their intelligent parts, and quite often the challenge is to establish which one they can interact with – so they can communicate better. The various intelligent parts include:

  1. The brain
  2. The heart
  3. The gut (microbiomes)
  4. The mitochondria
  5. The muscles  & human tissues (tissue mineral salts)
  6. The vagus nerve (SNS & PNS)

#1: Within the brain itself we have the left and right brain that predominantly function independently. The brain also has parts that we do not fully understand, such as the parts that activate conscious and sub-conscious thoughts. We also have a part that creates an unconscious state, and a part that can activate a super-conscious state (a state of greater knowing and perspective that also connects with others and different time zones). This explains why the coherence (the vibrating frequency) of a group impacts on the coherence of the individual. This means if the group is positive (perhaps focused on learning – as a group or individually), then this will entrain the frequency of the individual to be positive. The same happens with an individual impacting positively on a group. Brain frequencies can be entrained quite easily – even by vibrations from sound and light.

#2: In addition to our brain we also have an emotional intelligence, which many suggest  comes from the heart. It may surprise some people that more IE (Informational Energy) is sent from the heart to the brain than the other way round. Organisations such as Heartmath have undertaken extensive scientific research on the influence of the heart:brain axis. In addition to the heart providing independent information to the brain, it also activates a mutual and altruistic link between the left and right brain, that would not have existed without it. Many associate this as being the power of authenticity and truth, and a compassion to integrate polarities (love). The Emotional Coaching training from Be Super supports this.

#3: In addition to our brain and heart intelligence we also have an intelligent gut. I am referring here to the microbiomes that live predominantly in the gut. The influence of what are also called our gut flora, may shock most people. Their numbers are so huge, that 99% of our total DNA genomes are from multiple varieties of microbiomes rather than human DNA. They influence our thoughts, emotions and actions by controlling our B growth hormones and our concentration levels. Any imbalance (known as microbial dysbiosis) causes metabolic and neurological dysfunction). Imbalance may be brought about by many factors, both internal and external (physical, mental, and emotional stressors). As such developing a healthy and strong variety of microbiomes is essential for the other human intelligent informational energy. It is acknowledged that over 80% of the cause of ASD comes from DNA – and 99% of this is microbiomes – so, it is not unreasonable to think it has an influence on neurological symptoms such as ASD. There are trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms that set up home in the gastrointestinal tract. Many of these microbes break down food that comes their way, and produce a vast array of substances from enzymes and toxins to compounds that regulate brain chemicals. When the bacteria remain where they are supposed to be they work with us in a mutualistic beneficial manner. When we do things (provide stressors) that imbalance them then they cause dysfunction. This dysfunction often leads to bacteria getting into places they should not be (including the blood) and this then causes them and us to experience dis-ease. This bacterial leakage (leaky gut and gastrointestinal issues) also causes dysfunction of neurological information and makes ASD and ADHD symptoms worse.

#4: The mitochondria are another non-human intelligent system in our being – they are an advanced form of microbione. The mitochondria provide us with energy – they generate ATP for us – without them we would die. It is essential we provide the mitochondria with the substrates for their own energy – these include oxygen, water, sunlight and movement/exercise of the muscle tissues.

If we do not provide the mitochondria what they need to function optimally, then they do not regenerate. Science has proven that almost all dis-ease is the result of mitochondria not providing sufficient energy to specific tissue cells. Such mitochondrial deficeincy causes our other human cells, including the neurons in the brain, to become dis-eased amd die. This  dis-ease also extends to processes as well as part. For example, it reduces the important natural process of autophagy (a natural process where we remove damaged, toxic and dead parts and convert them into new cells). Most conventional medical doctors are not trained to recognize mitochondrial dysfunction. Research supporting mitochondrial dysfunction as a clinical entity is vast and growing – and an area of specific study for Marcus Pearson, the founder of Be Super. However, as is often the case, much of this research is not incorporated into every day medical practice.Mitochondria are small organelles that exist within cells.  The number of mitochondria in cells varies greatly throughout the body.  Some cell types can have as many as 1,000 – 2,000 mitochondria per cell.  Their numbers and integrity influence our mitochondria:energy axis. Recycling and regeneration of new mitochondria is called mitophagy. Be Super specialise in supporting this.

#5: The muscles – Human tissues (tissue mineral salts) may seem like an unusual intelligence system, however, it is one, like the heart and unlike the brain, in that it tells us the truth. The muscles may be linked to the mitochondria more than science has yet evidenced. Muscle function is impacted by mitochondria function and optimal gut motility is a consequence of healthy muscle function. So, there exists a muscle:mitochondria:gut axis. To this end, Applied Kinesiology is a proven modality that utilises the truth of muscle tension for intelligence/Informational Energy. When the muscles are correctly asked for specific truths (from trained practitioners), they respond by showing strength. All untruths make the muscles go week. Professor David Hawkins also used this modality to develop his levels of human consciousness. Thus showing a muscle:consciousness axis exists. In addition to the muscles, all human tissue also has intelligence and has a TMS (Tissue Mineral Salt):Metabolic and Neurological Dysfunction axis. The greater the TMS dysregulation (caused by deficiences or imbalance) the greater the cellular and neurological imbalance (very much like the microbiome/gut:brain axis). Marcus Pearson is qualied in Applied Kinesiology.

#6: The vagus nerve (SNS & PNS) – is possibly the most significant intelligence system because it connects all the others. the vagus nerve runs from the brain to the anus and connects the five senses, as well as the heart, the gut (the microbiomes), the ears and voice, the muscles and other key organs. The vagus nerve once believed to be an autonomic system (one that only functioned without our voluntary control). It is now recognised, due to the excellent work of innovators and practitioners such as Wim Hoff and Marcus Pearson (via VFP/SSP), to be a system that we can influence and control voluntarily. This means we can control all that we are and do – we are not simply a result of our circumstances.

According to Dr. Erica Peirson – 

“Many children with special needs (Down syndrome, autism, and others) would benefit from screening for mitochondrial dysfunction. The long term impact to health and cognition if mitochondrial dysfunction goes unaddressed are profound. The benefits of supporting mitochondrial function are far-reaching for the patient given the many organ systems that are impacted by cellular energy production.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is currently not recognized by conventional medical physicians who often choose to prescribe pharmaceuticals for symptoms in lieu of addressing the root cause of disease.”

Fortunately physicians who are trained in mitochondondrial dysfunction exist and include gentleman scholars such as Marcus Pearson.

Marcus or Mr. P as he is often known professionally, applies various modalities to support all of the above. More details available – click here.

Does anyone seek such guidance and support  – if so, please contact Marcus for further details.



For those with ASD and neurological symptoms – testing may be restrictive:

We can just get on with it:

30mins – 60mins time on a 1:1 basis with a named student for 10 consecutive days is the minimum time needed to see the benefits of ‘part of what we offer’. Additional time to support the family with home based initiatives is preferable. Additional time to educate the SLT, teachers and TA’s involved in supporting the children is essential. This could be done alongside the practical work with the children, or as stand alone training. Additional time with the catering manager and any specialist support staff would also be preferable. We need 6 weeks – preferably 12 weeks of focused time with each individual, or small group of up to 5 individuals, to realise a life changing transition into a better functioning person.

Multiple students could be supported as a cohort (trial group) – ideally 5 students per half/full term.

Once you realise the benefits it could be extended for the full school, trust or local authority.

We can expand from a local solution to a national solution with ease.

Widen your perspective and free yourself and others – BECOME THE SOLUTION FACILITATOR.

There exists a perspective, based on practical experiences, that the root cause of much of the neurological conditions, including ASD, ADHD, PDA, ODD, AND FEAR & TRAUMA  arise from tissue mineral dysregulation and microbiome/mitochondrial dysbiosis. This approach does not seek to totally overcome the full spectrum of anyone’s challenges, however, it does seek to provide solutions that may change an individuals and a families life for the better; by reducing the scale of their issues. Marcus Pearson combines this knowledge with other practical modalities for a set of practical beneficial experiences.


We service the Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire area (possibly wider).

The service delivers short to medium term therapeutic interventions – with and without academic education, There is virtually no limit as to the range and scope of our flexible service.

Alternative Intervention Support for children and young people - perfect for overcoming trauma & chronic stress.

We are not just another provider of intervention support!

If you want a supply teacher, therapist, or a person to occupy or distract challenging pupils – you can tick that box with a standard supply agency!

We exist to do what others are unaware of, can’t do, won’t do, don’t know how to do or are fearful of doing – WE ALSO ADDRESS THE ROOT CAUSE RATHER THAN RESPONDING TO SYMPTOMS.


We are exceptionally experienced and successful hands on therapeutic practitioners that can also provide academic support if required. More significantly, we seek to integrate the pupil(s) back into mainstream life as upstanding citizens you would be proud of.


The high end specialist therapy modalities we provide are predominantly based on the clinical approaches of Prof. Stephen Porges. Our approach is endorsed by CAMHS and can be applied for almost any trauma, chronic stress or neurodivergence.

The pupils we support are normally those that cause major problems for parents and carers. Our unique support service involves working with family or pastoral workers, outside agencies and even the doctors. We can support with nutrition, exercise and sleep issues. We can support with lateness and absenteeism, and out of control behaviour.

The pupils we support are normally those that cause the biggest challenges for teachers, heads of year and teaching assistants. Due to our autonomy and independence, we are more flexible than a school based initiative. We can support the pupils out of school as much as in school – we can provide that transition – and manage it, rather that allowing it to break down due to lack of continuity.

Every day for half a term (or longer) – we can support pre-school, during school, and after-school. We prioritise the causes of the challenges and seek to provide supportive solutions. TRY US WITH YOUR MOST CHALLENGING PUPILS TO TEST US OUT – now that’s an interesting offer – lol.

Services can be provided to mainstream, SEND, AUTISM, and SEMH schools as well as for pupils who do not attend school or for pupils in residential care homes – or for home schooled students.

Every challenged pupil has there own unique set of issues and we treat them with value and dignity. We support and guide them to find and be true to themselves, to be authentic, and to be positive.

Alternative Intervention Support for children and young people – FULL TIME FOR 6 WEEKS:

In order to achieve success we prefer to have pupils on a full time basis for at least 6 weeks – and ideally 12 weeks. We work with the parents and carers on significant aspects such as sleep, exercise, nutrition and stressors. We educate, support and guide the parents and carers with better life skill protocols that support what is dysregulated. We also work with the schools, the teachers, teaching assistants, catering staff and the SLT to ensure effective understanding of change is carried through.

If this is not possible, then we are flexible and caring enough to listen to your challenges and provide a compassionate response.

All circumstances are unique, and the only way to proceed with this is to invite us in to discuss your needs and ideally meet the pupil(s) and assess your environment.

Availability as from 4th November 2024 will be on a first come first served basis –


The same approach supports those who present as fully functional with the opportunity to journey on a pathway to self and team actualisation and optimal physical, mental, and emotional functioning – perfect for high performance individuals and teams. Perfect for professional sports teams and high end project managers and sales teams – and SLT’s within schools and academy trusts. Perfect for thise whi wnat the best for their children and family, and perfect for those who home educate.

For details of how our support and guidance can best be integrated into your individuals and teams lifestyle please contact Marcus for a friendly FREE chat.

Please also consider becoming a member of  VFP.

Join us on our mission to empower individuals with the power of precision health testing.

If you have enjoyed this summary, and are aware of deeper Intelligent Parts and Informational Energy, such as our Ego, Self, Soul and Spirit – then please click hereclick here.

For more details on nutritional support for ASD and each of the intelligent/Informational Energy systems mentioned above please click here:

By Mr P

Marcus is focused on supporting others better interact with themselves and others.

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